Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What's First, Cardio or Resistance Training?

Which do you do first? Do you get some cardio work in prior to resistance training, or do you go right to the workout and do cardio after?

Trainees in their 20's can get away with just going straight into their workout, however, I would still advise doing some type of warm-up prior to resistance training. There are a couple of ways you can do it. You don't necessarily have to do a full blown cardio workout first. But I highly advise some kind of warm up.

First, let me cover 'why' it will benefit you. I will refer to the #1 rule of training, "do no harm."  Injury prevention is the main reason to warm up prior to your workout. Increasing your body temperature helps prevent strains and pulls of muscles.

During the warm up, you will increase your heart rate, sending blood to all the working muscles of the body, increasing your 'core' temperature. Joints (like shoulders, hips and knees) will move more freely, muscles will warm and be able to perform better at their function of moving the body. You will have a greater range of motion when warmed up.

What's the Best Way to Warm-Up?

I suggest choosing a piece of cardio equipment that you enjoy the most, although most any will do the job. I prefer the elliptical since it mimics a running motion without the impact. Most ellipticals now come with the moving arms so you now get the lower and upper body warming up together. However, feel free to use the treadmill, stair climber, bicycle, etc.

The first 2-3 minutes you should ease into the warm up, starting slowly. After 3 minutes you can step up the pace a bit. You should aim to keep your heart rate at the lower end of your target heart range. You will get a warm up, but not burn out. (most all cardio equipment now have heart rate monitors built in so this sould be easy to track). This would be around 60%-70% of your THR....(target heart rate). Just take 220, subtract your age, and multiply by 60% or 70%.

For example if you are 50, you would take 220-50=170 x 70% = you'd aim for a THR of about 119. I would do a minimum of 10 minutes in this zone. If you do, you will feel much more ready to tackle the workout your about to do. It works great, and you have done a world of good for your heart and for injury prevention.

That's it...You Did it!

Now after your resistance workout, if you feel up to it, you can do additional cardio training if you like, but if you train with me, you probably won't need it. That's because I train my clients to eventually work 'hard' and get a great workout in the time we're together. When we're done, they like to just lie on the mat for a bit...

I'd rather they come back tomorrow, and do another cardio workout on their 'off' days with me. That cardio workout, I'd set them up to train higher into their THR zone, and keep them on their for 20-30 minutes. (I may address what that 'cardio' workout entails at another time. But believe me, I make them intense! But that's why you end up looking so darn great)!

Some clients prefer it when I warm them up. I use lots of different movements for the body on the gym floor using bands, medicine ball, swill ball, jump rope, etc., to give as great warm up in 5-10 minutes. Then we proceed to the more 'intense' exercises.

In conclusion, 'how' you warm up is not as important as the fact that you 'do' warm up. Trainees have various ways they prefer to get to body warmed up and prepared for training. Find your preferred method(s) and enjoy the process.

I teach those even in their 20's to do this, because the older you get, the more importance you will have to place on it. So, everyone might as well adopt these good habits now.

Until next time...train hard, but train smart.
Mike Mastro

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Facts About Cholesterol...Good and Bad. Do You Really Need to Take a Medicine to Control it?

When a topic comes up more than a few times in just a short period of time, I figure it's time to address the issue. Here's what I can tell you from my experience with a 'high' or 'bad' cholesterol result from a blood test. First of all, we have to make sure you actually fasted 12 entire hours before giving the blood. If not, I don't think the results are valid, and you should be tested again.

The most important part of the cholesterol reading is not necessarily the 'total' cholesterol count...but the 'ratio' of good (HDL's) vs. bad (LDL's) cholesterol. From the Cooper insitute in Dallas, TX, where Dr. Ken Cooper has made a life study on heart health, he echoes this fact. You will have to bring this up to your practicioner when you go over your results.

It is my belief that you have the responsiblity to work on your health 'with' your doctor. Otherwise, you may not get the best care. I won't blame doctors here. They are busy...very busy. And they only have a few minutes for you, so make the best of it by being armed with info and questions while you are there.

I am including a very brief video here. In it, the doctor will address 'bad' cholesterol, how and why you may have it, and what you can do about it without taking a prescription medicine. There may be a few cases where an individual will 'have' to take it, but like all drugs, I think they are handed out a bit too swiftly today.

Listen, if you don't mind risking all the negative side effects of a drug on your body, just disregard this message entirely. But I urge you to at least question a finding before you go on a drug...especially one that you will be instructed to take for the rest of your life. The link is below.

Best of health.

Mike Mastro

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Could This Daily Activity Cause Breast Cancer?

The Case for a Possible Contributing Cause of Breast Cancer

I have to tell you, I get so saddened everytime I hear about someone I know getting breast cancer. Even when it's not someone I know, but when it's their friend or relative.

I'm simply reporting to you what I have found by doing my research. I will let you draw your own conclusions. But it appears to me that we do have 'smoke' here, and where there's smoke...

I"ve heard for years about the possible connections between 'aluminum' ingredients in our diets, as well as many of our cosmetic items. On a positive note, our bodies are supposedly very efficient at eliminating aluminum from our systems. So, that's a plus. But here's where it gets dicey...


Some interesting findings...

A recent study from Reading University on anti-perspirants containing aluminum chlorhydrate found cancerous tumors most likely to appear in the parts of the female breast which is closest to where antiperspirants are applied. (This in my opinion is 'red flag' number one).

In the same study, it was found that cysts in the armpit area of the breast had 25x more aluminum than the common amount found in the blood. (red flag number two). Furthermore, aluminum acts with an estrogenic effect on the body, known to increase the incidence of breast tumors when in excess. (that's 3 red flags).

The human body has several places on it where we purge toxins from. These are the armpits, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area to name a few. The toxins are purged through perspiration, so the term itself 'anti'perspirant in fact suggests it prevents this purging of toxins in that area.

It is of the opinion of several health practicioners that instead of being released, these toxins are instead deposited into the Lymph nodes below the arms, since the body can't sweat them out. A concentration of toxins then builds up which can lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

Are women more at risk?

According to Dr. Kris McGrath, a Chicago allergist, the culprits are the 'aluminum' ingredients found in the antiperspirant products.  He says they don't normally penetrate the skin enough to cause a problem - unless the skin is shaven. Well, I don't know too many women who don't shave their underarms. If you don't, I mean no offense. But in our culture it's a common practice.

Dr. McGrath believes when the skin is shaven, it opens the door, because just under the skin is the lymphatic system which is connected to the breast.

I know what you're thinking, because I think the same way. We use these products so we don't all walk around smelling with huge wet stains under our arms. So, my question there an underarm product that DOES NOT contain aluminum (or any other harmful suspect ingredients like parabens) that can at least keep us from emitting an offensive odor?

What I found...

After finding a few that definitely don't work, I have found a product called CRYSTAL. Maybe you've heard of it or seen it. It is now widely sold on shelves at Walgreens, Wal-Mart and Rite-Aid to name a few places. Instead of using these potentially harmful ingredients, they use natural salts as the main ingredient. (No parabens). The concept is that these natural mineral salts kill bacteria which can cause odor.

While these products may or may not keep you quite as dry, they might make a good alternative to using the more questionable products. They are sold as a deodorant, NOT an anti-perspirant.

I am including a link to the company's web page that has good info for you to review. (See link below) On their site, they even offer a money-saving coupon you can print to try their products.

Again, I only want to share this info and let you make the decision that is best for you and your family. I have no personal interest in this company whatsoever. I'm only your messenger and health 'watchguard.'

I must tell you that I'm uncertain there is absolute 'proof' here, but I do want to share with you these findings. Who knows? What if you could totally prevent breast cancer, or put it off for 20 years or more?

If you know of a product/products that work for you, please let me know so we can get the word out. You can always reach my inbox at:

The more information I looked at, the more it made sense especially in the case of women. Until next time. Train hard and stay healthy!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice...One of the Best Liquids You Can Put in Your Body!

I'm going to share with you here what I believe is one of the most beneficial natural substances you could possibly use. For maintaining overall health and preventing many forms of disease, there are not many things that can equal Aloe Vera gel or juice.

Here, in no particular order, is a guide to the top ten health benefits of drinking aloe vera juice:

1. Detox - Aloe vera juice is a great natural aid to detox. With our stressful lives, the pollution around us and the junk foods we eat, we all need to cleanse our systems from time to time. Some people more often than others! Drinking aloe vera juice provides a fantastically rich cocktail of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to help our bodies deal with these stresses and strains everyday.

2. Healthy Digestion - A healthy digestive system makes sure that we absorb as many of the nutrients as possible from the foods we eat. Aloe vera juice has natural detoxifying abilities; and drinking aloe vera juice seems to improve bowel regularity and increases protein absorption. It also helps to decrease the amount of unfriendly bacteria and yeast in our gut. Aloe vera has been shown to help reduce and soothe heartburn and other digestive problems.

3. Natural Immune Support - Aloe vera is full of anti-oxidants – natural immune enhancers which fight free radicals within our body. Free radicals are the unstable compounds produced as a side-effect of our metabolism. They are thought to cause various ailments, as well as contributing to the ageing process. Drinking aloe vera juice regularly gives the body a regular supply of anti-oxidants, which can boost and enhance the immune system.

4. Reduce Inflammation - Aloe vera juice contains 12 substances which can slow down or inhibit inflammation, without any side-effects. Some people say that drinking aloe vera juice helps with their stiff, swollen or painful joints.

5. Collagen and Elastin Repair for Healthy Skin - Drinking aloe vera juice adds a rich supply of raw materials to your diet, which can produce and maintain really healthy skin. The skin replaces itself every 28 days. Using the nutritional building blocks of aloe vera, the skin can use these nutrients daily to help combat the effects of ageing. Aloe vera also helps in soothing minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations.

6. Regulate Weight and Energy Levels - Drinking aloe vera juice naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. Our diets include many substances which can cause fatigue and exhaustion. Taken regularly, aloe vera juice ensures a greater feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to increase and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

7. Daily Dose of Vitamins & Minerals - Aloe vera juice contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 (the aloe vera plant is one of the few plants in the world to contain vitamin B12), C, E, Folic Acid and Niacin. The human body cannot store some of these vitamins, so we need to supplement them regularly through our diet. The minerals found in aloe vera include Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Chromium and more… Plenty of good nutrition in aloe vera juice!

8. Amino Acids - The human body requires 20 amino acids to build protein; 8 of these amino acids are ‘essential’ which means the body can’t make them itself. Aloe vera contains 19 of these amino acids, and 7 of the essential amino acids. So drinking aloe vera juice tops up your body’s daily supply.

9. Dental Health - Aloe vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums. As well as its natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial actions, it contains vitamins and minerals which promote cell growth and healing. There are some aloe vera toothgels available which contain a high level of pure aloe vera, which may help with bleeding gums and mouth ulcers.

10. Better than Nutritional Supplements - Recent research has shown that adding good foods to our diets, rich in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, is far better than adding supplements alone. The good news is that Aloe Vera juice is considered a food, rather than a manufactured supplement. So drinking aloe vera juice is probably better than taking supplements alone, because our bodies can absorb all the nutrients in aloe vera more easily, and utilize them more effectively.


This guide is by no means exhaustive, and is not meant to diagnose or treat any specific condition or ailment. But we do hope it has given you a good overview of some of the possible health benefits of drinking aloe vera juice. This information is sourced from Forever Living Products.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why This Bankruptcy May Eventually be Good for You

Believe me, I love a good donut! I just have had to learn like many, to eat only very few desserts to stay lean and healthy. So this information caught my eye.

Hostess, the maker of breads, donuts and snacks is once again filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy after just filing 3 years ago. They claim high employee pension costs and increased competition as the reason. After researching a bit, it seems that they made several concessions in their earlier bankruptcy that would increase their capital to help become profitable again. My question is, where did all the extra money go?

I have a suggestion for Hostess (which is also the maker of products by Wonder and Drake's. Remember Yodels and Ring Dings?)  I have recommended for the past few years to all my clients and audience that they stay clear of trans fats or 'hydrogenated fats and oils and partially hydrogenated fats and oils.' 

The dangers of these ingredients have been made available for quite some time now. For instance, I LOVE 'Funny Bones.' They are a chocolate cake with a chocolate coating and peanut butter type filling inside...but I stopped buying years ago because of the ingredients 'partially hydrogenated' oils.  If you're wondering why food makers use those ingredients, it's because that process costs less to produce than using just simple fats and oils and they help increase a products shelf life.

Hostess however has ignored the fact that the public is now better educated and we DO NOT want these ingredients in our foods if we can avoid it. It is well documented that these 'trans fats' contribute greatly to cardio vascular disease, diabetes and cancer. These ingredients are still in most of their products, certainly all of their cakes, pies and donuts.

If Hostess would focus more on making their product line 'healthier' or at least less deadly, instead of worrying so much on fancy packaging they might actually win back some customers and increase sales. Because last time I checked, increasing sales usually helps eliminate having to file bankruptcy. I would certainly enjoy a very occasional 'funny bone' if the processed fats were left out!

So my message to you is to continue to 'ban' as many of the products as you can that contain 'trans fats' or 'partially or hydrogenated oils' so as to get the food companies to comply and make what they produce safer for us to consume.

Beware of the deceptive practice of the product label stating under TRANS FATS  0 or none...but if you look to the list of ingredients you'll many times find 'hydrogenated oils.'  How can they do that you ask? It's politics as usual...if the ingredient is a small enough amount, the FDA allows it. I call it 'lying.'

For now, pass me the bowl of frozen strawberries with a couple of small squares of dark chocolate for dessert.