Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Facts About Cholesterol...Good and Bad. Do You Really Need to Take a Medicine to Control it?

When a topic comes up more than a few times in just a short period of time, I figure it's time to address the issue. Here's what I can tell you from my experience with a 'high' or 'bad' cholesterol result from a blood test. First of all, we have to make sure you actually fasted 12 entire hours before giving the blood. If not, I don't think the results are valid, and you should be tested again.

The most important part of the cholesterol reading is not necessarily the 'total' cholesterol count...but the 'ratio' of good (HDL's) vs. bad (LDL's) cholesterol. From the Cooper insitute in Dallas, TX, where Dr. Ken Cooper has made a life study on heart health, he echoes this fact. You will have to bring this up to your practicioner when you go over your results.

It is my belief that you have the responsiblity to work on your health 'with' your doctor. Otherwise, you may not get the best care. I won't blame doctors here. They are busy...very busy. And they only have a few minutes for you, so make the best of it by being armed with info and questions while you are there.

I am including a very brief video here. In it, the doctor will address 'bad' cholesterol, how and why you may have it, and what you can do about it without taking a prescription medicine. There may be a few cases where an individual will 'have' to take it, but like all drugs, I think they are handed out a bit too swiftly today.

Listen, if you don't mind risking all the negative side effects of a drug on your body, just disregard this message entirely. But I urge you to at least question a finding before you go on a drug...especially one that you will be instructed to take for the rest of your life. The link is below.

Best of health.

Mike Mastro