Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cancer Ingredient Hiding in These Popular Snacks

Are These Snacks Worth the Cancer Risk? You Decide

Does anyone know anyone who has battled or died from cancer? Of course, we all do. Do you ever wonder why cancer rates are running so high these days?

While I'm happy about the advances that have been made over the course of my lifetime in finding medicines and treatments for cancer...I'm still disappointed that our country has not done a better job at helping to 'PREVENT' this and other diseases.

There are probably 'many' ways that we can become exposed to harmful poisons that can lead to disease. But certainly, one of the ways YOU can take control of right now this very day, is changing what you put in your body.

The best way to protect yourself and your family is to become educated on this topic. Without having to spend your life doing research, I post things that will bring you up to speed very quickly. If you don't think it's worth a few minutes of your time, pass on watching the video.

If you do, you may not let your loved ones eat chips or fries for a while. No matter what the current source is. You'll see why in the video.

While few people eat 'totally clean' as we say, it makes sense to make at least some small changes...wouldn't you agree?

Click the video link below to watch the 5 minute informative video. You'll see why at least for now, you should avoid popular snacks like french fries and potatoe chips. The scientific proof is in and the food companies like PepsiCo are currently working to make changes quickly.

I'm encouraged to see companies like PepsiCo taking the lead to make these changes. Our voices are being heard loudly everyday from many consumers. They will be one of the first major companies to benefit financially from creating safer products for us to consume. But you'll always have to be an educated shopper to avoid the harmful ingredients.

So, (after you view the short video linked below) now you know the current scoop on chips and fries. Pass on them for now. Healthier versions will soon be made available. Whenever you see a site that asks you to sign a petition for food companies to have to 'label' their foods in any can do your part by signing it.

Your voice can only be heard if you participate in the cause. Otherwise, these harmful foods will continue to be on store shelves with harmful ingredients you will not know about.

Click here to watch Video

Yours in good health,
Mike Mastro

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What you need to know about GMO foods

The concept was a good one, unfortunately it comes with a price...YOUR HEALTH

You may be hearing by now the 'buzz' growing about GMO foods. One of the current disputes is the fact that we as consumers should at least have the right to know which foods are and are not GMO. But big companies that have in interest in bigger profits do not want us to know, nor do they want us to know about the potential dangers the GMO foods pose.

The link below is to a very brief article that will give you a quick insight as to 'why' the foods may pose a health risk to us. When you consider how many foods we eat, if most or all of them contain these 'genetically changed' ingredients, then we may be at bigger risk than we think.

At this point, I eat a large amount of 'organic' foods, especially ones that are specifically labeled, 'non-GMO.'  The first thing I'd like to see done is the laws passed that make in MANDATORY for these food companies to have to label any and all GMO foods appropriately...that way, YOU as the consumer can make the healthy choice for you and your family.

But right now, I want to share with you 'what' GMO implies as far as what it does to our foods. I for one, do NOT want to comsume these hazardous chemicals.

Click the link below to read the one page informative article on GMO in foods, why they put them there, and how they may be harmful to us.

You see, we're beginning to make headway in this cause. Once the food companies realize we're switching to non-GMO foods, they'll be forced into producing them and selling them at a competitive price. If they don't they'll lose too much in sales.

If we, however, continue to buy these chemically altered foods, they'll keep on making and selling them. The choice is yours. The first step is to understand what they're doing.

Click here for GMO info you should know

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Major Cause of Foot Pain in Women

Foot disorders in women are quite common and the number one reason is explained in the article below.

It seems in health & fitness, many articles bring up negative topics like pain, injuries, etc. This is because every week, we as trainers hear about many problems that people experience. Through speaking with them and their doctors, therapists, chiropractors, etc...we are able to find the causes and the best possible cures or fixes.

Having had my share of injuries, I'm always trying to help my clients avoid pain and injury whenever possible.

In the following article, find out what you can do to avoid serious foot problems that could eventually lead to extreme pain and possible surgery to correct.

Even though this particular article is directed at women, you men should read it you can share it with the special women in your life.

Women May Pay Steep Price for Wearing High Heels

• Written by Jeff Behar, MS, MBA

The incline of high heels causes the calf muscles to contract and over time this causes the muscle fibers to shorten and the Achilles tendon to thicken, so much so that some women feel foot pain even when they stop wearing high-heels.

For the study, Marco Narici of Manchester Metropolitan University and colleagues recruited 80 women aged 20 to 50 who had been wearing heels of at least 2 inches almost daily for two years or more. Of those, 11 said they experienced discomfort when walking in flatter shoes.

When compared with women who did not wear heels, ultrasounds revealed the women who wore heels had calf muscle fibers that were 13% shorter, while MRIs showed the Achilles tendon, which attaches the heel bone to the calf muscle, was stiffer and thicker.

High heels look beautiful, but the body isn't meant to wear them. High-heels can cause a lot of damage according to Dr. Youner. For example:

• Squeezing into high heels with narrow toe boxes can cause a condition called Morton's neuroma, a painful thickening of tissue between the third and fourth toes.

• Haglund's deformity, sometimes called the "pump bump," occurs when back straps of heels dig into the tissue around the Achilles tendon.

• High heels put stress on the back and knees.

• Too-tight shoes can bring on bunions, an enlargement of bone or tissue at the base of the big toe that pushes the big toe toward the second toe.

• Pointy shoes can worsen hammertoe by forcing the toes to bend at the middle joints, eventually causing them to stay bent and rigid even when barefoot.

• And then there are those uneven-sidewalk wipe-outs that lead to ankle sprains and breaks.

The fix for many of these conditions, podiatrists said, may come as bad news for those emulating "Sex and the City" fashionista Carrie Bradshaw: Box up your stilettos, take over-the-counter anti-inflammatories if necessary, and wear more sensible footwear.

"I tell a lot of women to put on sneakers and take Aleve," Youner said. "A heel will make a woman's butt stick out and makes the body look taller, thinner. Society pushes us to look a certain way, and all women want to look attractive. In reality, it can be crippling, and it is literally changing the shape of the body."

And don't think those now ubiquitous flip-flops are your solution. Flip-flops offer no arch support or shock absorption, and the toes have to scrunch with every step to keep the foot from slipping, foot experts said.

"I have recently seen some lovely flip-flops injuries," Youner said. "Flip flops are meant for the beach, not for walking on cement or on vacation or at an amusement park. If you wear them, you are treating your feet poorly and you will eventually pay for it."

If you must wear heels, minimize the time you spend on your feet, wear wider heels that distribute the weight better and shop for shoes at the end of the day when your foot is larger, says Hannan