An estimated 90% of everyone reading this will have now, or in the past had some type of low back pain or discomfort. As a professional Sports & Fitness Trainer, I work consistently with other health professionals in the assisting of eliminating and prevention of pain in the body.
Many of these problems can be attributed to imbalances and/or weaknesses in the muscular system of the individual. Of these, low back pain is one of the most common. However, much of the time this problem can be eliminated rather quickly.
The problem of low back discomfort is often exacerbated by the improper positioning of the spine when we sit in car seats, chairs and couches. All of these keep the low back in a somewhat compromised position, as well as keeping the muscles of the legs in a tight, shortened position.
With some diagnostic visual testing regarding strength and flexibility, we can often immediately identify some imbalances or weaknesses in the body. When we address these with some simple exercises and stretches, we often find rather quick improvements in the reduction of the discomfort. This is true even if the pain has been present for long periods of time.
The attached video is an example of 3 very basic movements that can begin to offer relief in low back discomfort. These movements are a small example of what I would use to start a new client toward their low back fitness program. There is a substantial progression of stretches and exercises that typically follow these. But for a quick example of something anyone can implement right at home, these can work quite well to start.
Another move you'll see in this video is the pullover stretch. This is helpful because it helps stretch out some important muscles of the upper body including the larger latissmus dorsi group...and the smaller muscles of the abdominal group.
This can be helpful because many muscles connect and are part a larger chain. If any group is too 'tight' it can cause undue pulling and imbalances on the skeletal system. This can subsequently cause discomfort in the body...many times in the low back.
You can view this video by clicking on the link found below. Again I must remind you this is in no way a complete or thorough approach to relieving low back pain...but it's a good start. Many clients I've worked with over the past 22 years as a trainer, have felt relief the very first couple of weeks, with the chronic back pain never to return.
In most of these cases, there was no significant injury or trauma of any kind to the low was simply a case of weak and/or tight muscles, or muscular imbalances. All of this can be addressed and improved by proper exercise and stretching. As always I advise everyone to seek out medical assistance when it comes to treating pain and discomfort. At the very least you'll want to rule out serious injury or damage to any area of the body.
Click Here to view the video: