Keeping you informed with some 'important, relevent, cool' fitness info.
Before You Start an Exercise Program...
Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The "TRUTH" About Changing the Shape Your In
This blog is in no way a substitute for seeking medical help or attention in the treating of any type of temporary or chronic pain of any kind. Always seek professional medical advice if you feel you have any consistent problem with pain or discomfort.
Tune in to any (fitness or health) infomercial today and they'll have you believe that 'their' new product is the answer we've all been waiting for. Finally, we can get into great shape easily. Just 'put on', 'use' or 'take' this product and watch the fat melt away and the muscles appear!
Right, sure!
If only it was that easy. The truth is, this has been going on for some time, and it only gets worse as time goes on. Companies find out how far they can 'push the envelope' with what they can say...and then get some 'hot' body spokesperson to to tell you using this 'gizmo' is how they got into great shape. Yet, they sell millions of dollars worth of their products every year.
So what's the real truth? Well the good news is that, getting into better shape is actually quite's just not 'easy'. But if the advertisers told you how hard it was, they'd never sell much. Let's face it, we Americans are all about fast and EASY!
But I'm not here to sell you...just to inform you with as much accuracy as possible.
I mentioned above that getting into better shape is simple. By 'simple' I mean this.
First let's look at the exercise aspect. The fact is, you have to work out with some increased intensity. If you're not working out yet, you'll have to start. If you already are, but you're not progressing and experiencing a desired result, you'll have to work out harder. Sorry, but that's the plain truth.
You'll have to learn what exercises are the most productive (example: spend time doing exercises that require effort like squats, walking lunges and planks as opposed to wrist curls and calf raises), and do more of those. And you will have to learn the proper technique for these exercises.
As far as the dietary concerns go, this is also simple. Stop eating high calorie junk foods (made up primarily of useless carbs and fats)...and eat more GOOD foods like fruits and veggies, salads and proteins. (Simple to say, but not so easy when you're craving junk!) At the end of the day, your caloric totals should contain more from proteins than they do now...and less from carbs and fats. More protein means more muscle production and a better metabolism. (Your body actually has to burn more calories to digest proteins than both carbs or fats).
This combination is quite simple isn't it? Exercise harder and eat better. Simple yes...but not easy. But isn't this true for many parts of life? Anything worth attaining is usually simple, just follow the proven paths of how to get them. But it's rarely 'easy.'
But they're also not impossible. If you want to get good at something, you find a reliable source (a person, book, etc.) and find out how they did it. Then replicate what they did.
When baking a cake, we follow a recipe to make sure we create a successful outcome. If we deviate very far from the recipe, we don't get a similar or desired result.
Same principle with fitness. Follow the recipe for exercise success, and you will succeed.
The fact is, when you exercise with some intensity, your body releases powerful hormones that just make you feel incredible. I swear, exercise is the greatest drug. If only more people would exprience it.
Most everyone would like to improve their health and fitness levels, and look better. But you have to start somewhere. But please understand, it may not be as easy as you think. But whatever you do...DO NOT QUIT! Just keep on searching out for what you need to do, and be consistent. You will succeed.
Many of my clients came on board to lose weight and inches. Typically, after just 4-6 weeks, they see some result. They see more muscle tone, and their clothes start to fit differently. At that point I tell them every 30 days, find a pair of slacks or jeans (clothes that have 'no give' or elastic) that you can't get into, or that fit very tightly...and try them on. Eventually they fit great...and then they're too big!
What I don't tell them (like the advertisers) is that you'll lose 30 lbs. in 30 days. Come on folks..let's be real! But 30 lbs. in 3 months isn't too bad, is it? (if you have that much to lose)
You can do it too! Just remember Rome wasn't built in a day...and I'm sure it wasn't 'easy.'
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Until next time...Train hard and train smart.
Mike Mastro
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