As the Holidays approach, I'm guessing many folks are thinking, "I'll start a new exercise program as a New Year's resolution. I say, why wait? Why not start now? Why not start burning up some extra calories NOW during the time when lots of 'junk' food is put in front of you? Why not start passing on some of those poor food options?
Pictured above is the basic standing 'squat' exercise. It's one of the best lower body exercises you can perform. This exercise will target your 'glutes' (butt muscles), hamstrings, quads (thigh muscles) and even your low back will benefit.
Here's the best technique to follow:
1. Start by standing up straight with your arms resting at your side. Keep your knees very slightly flexed (just unlocked). Never lock your knees when standing and exercising.
2. As you unlock your knees, start moving your hips backwards as you lower yourself. At the same time extend your arms out in front of you so you end up like the young buck in the picture above.
3. Once you hit this position, press your heels into the floor and return to the standing position.
Coaching points of the squat: As you descend, move your hips backwards but keep your head and chest up facing the wall in front of you. This will keep your low back in proper postition. Remember to 'inhale' as you descend, and exhale when you get back up top.
Start with 15 to 20 reps at first...after a couple of weeks you can work to 30 reps for 3 sets. This exercise will make a huge difference in the glutes and legs for you. This is the beginner version. More advanced leg exercises will follow, but you must master these basic moves before you attempt the more advanced.
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