Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What you need to know about GMO foods

The concept was a good one, unfortunately it comes with a price...YOUR HEALTH

You may be hearing by now the 'buzz' growing about GMO foods. One of the current disputes is the fact that we as consumers should at least have the right to know which foods are and are not GMO. But big companies that have in interest in bigger profits do not want us to know, nor do they want us to know about the potential dangers the GMO foods pose.

The link below is to a very brief article that will give you a quick insight as to 'why' the foods may pose a health risk to us. When you consider how many foods we eat, if most or all of them contain these 'genetically changed' ingredients, then we may be at bigger risk than we think.

At this point, I eat a large amount of 'organic' foods, especially ones that are specifically labeled, 'non-GMO.'  The first thing I'd like to see done is the laws passed that make in MANDATORY for these food companies to have to label any and all GMO foods appropriately...that way, YOU as the consumer can make the healthy choice for you and your family.

But right now, I want to share with you 'what' GMO implies as far as what it does to our foods. I for one, do NOT want to comsume these hazardous chemicals.

Click the link below to read the one page informative article on GMO in foods, why they put them there, and how they may be harmful to us.

You see, we're beginning to make headway in this cause. Once the food companies realize we're switching to non-GMO foods, they'll be forced into producing them and selling them at a competitive price. If they don't they'll lose too much in sales.

If we, however, continue to buy these chemically altered foods, they'll keep on making and selling them. The choice is yours. The first step is to understand what they're doing.

Click here for GMO info you should know

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