Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Food Tastes Delicious, and is Great for Your Health?

Why should salmon be a fish you take a liking to? Even if you're not a big fan of fish, you may be pleasantly surprised when you try salmon. It's more of  moist fish even when cooked or grilled. You can get it fresh, smoked, frozen or even canned.

Salmon is a highly nutritious food. Besides being high in protein and the all important omega-3 fatty acids, just a 4 oz. serving of wild salmon provides a full day's supply of vitamin D, and half the necessary B12, niacin and selenium. It's also rich in B6 and magnesium.

So what's the big deal about Omega-3 fatty acids? What exactly are they and what do they do?

These are called 'essential fatty acids' (EFA's), meaning they are required by the body, but the body does not make them. You have to get them through food or supplements. Salmon, tuna and halibut are all great sources. Omega-3's have become popular because they have been shown to reduce the risk of the #1 killer...heart disease! The American Heart Association recommends eating fish like salmon, albacore tuna, sardines, mackeral, herring or lake trout at least twice per week.

In fact, research now shows omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower the risk for chronic diseases like cancer and arthritis. Several clinical studies have shown that EFA's from foods or supplements lower blood pressure in individuals with hypertension and can help prevent against stroke caused by plaque buildup in the arteries that lead to the brain. You can reduce your chance of stroke as much as 50% by eating 2 servings of these types of fish per week!

So eating a nice piece of grilled or broiled fish, along with some healthy veggies that you like can accomplish at least 2 things. They will not only help you to get and stay lean...but you'll be healthier for eating them!

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Yours in health,

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