Before You Start an Exercise Program...

Be sure to get permission from your physician before beginning any exercise program. Always start out slow with beginner exercises, and work your way up to more advanced exercises. You must use proper form. If you're not sure if about your form, I suggest you engage the services of a qualified trainer to assist you.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Easy Addition to Improve Health

With the increasing dispensing of antibiotics today, what we don't know CAN harm us. Specifically, not having enough 'friendly' bacteria in our bodies. When we ingest antiobiotics of any kind, not only do we kill the harmful bacteria causing our possible symptoms...but we also destroy the 'friendly' bacteria responsible for keeping us healthy.

(When I was 19, I got into health and fitness, and found out all the 'negative' effects of antibiotics. At the time, I was taking large amounts given to me by a dermatologist for my acne. I have never taken another antibiotic since then. I have only used natural remedies for any ailment.)

When we ingest antibiotics, it can disrupt the balance of the 'good vs. bad' bacteria in our body, therefore leaving us prone to further or recurring illness. To add to the problem, today much of our food supplies (particularly meat, chicken and dairy products) contain antibiotics because they are given to the animals. The best way to avoid that scenario is to buy only organic sources of the above listed foods.

One easy way to keep our systems healthier is to increase the amount of 'friendly' bacteria in the body. The informative attached article (link is below) will give you a more detailed insight into what probiotics are, why they're important and the best sources.

My favorite source is a delicious beverage called kefir. It looks and tastes like yogurt, but it contains much of the probiotics that are so beneficial to our bodies. They are now sold in many flavors at your local supermarket. Just taking a small cup everyday can go a long way to helping improving overrall health.

I prefer to buy the organic kind, meaning no hormones, antibiotics or pesticides were used anywhere in the process. You may have to go to a health store to find the organic version.

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